Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Late Summer Thoughts

Every time this time of year, I always start plotting for the upcoming fall. In other words, I am a total nerd-a-tron that craves for Fall and all things it involves: new books, old books, highlighters, composition books, orange leaves, burgundy nail polish, leather boots, college sweaters, crisp air and pumpkins.

I love FALL. Man oh Man, I love FALL. Even though I grew up in Southern California where Fall meant 64 degrees and foggy mornings, being Utah for 3 years has made me a true-blue lover of Fall. I remember the very first Fall I experienced while waking up in Helamen Halls, peaking through my blinds and seeing Y-Mount turned a very beautiful yellow with orange spotting. I think I literally squealed with joy.

To this day, Autumn is a beautiful creature that speaks to my little native heart (I am part Wampanoag, you know). Fall whispers her secrets into my little pink ears and crisps up my eyelashes with her cool breeze.

I cannot wait to welcome her return with wind-stung cheeks and cable-knit sweaters. But for now I will enjoy these lazy summer nights filled with otter pops and late mornings.

AND for those of you who wonder about my days of youth when I first met Fall, here are some of my favorites from our glorious introduction:


  1. Oh!!! I'm glad I'm not the only one!!! Everyone is crying at the end of summer. I've waiting and waiting for fall! I love fall!!!

    1. haha, I know what you mean, everybody gets so depressed about summer ending...I never understand! ha Let's have a Fall party together when I get back to Utah!?
