Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My sister Is getting Married

I have been naturalized in the USAmerica for perhaps 80 hours or so now, and its time to share some big news: MY SISTER IS GETTIN' HITCHED.

Yup. Jenny Heathcote is a taken woman for forever and all eternity. She was engaged I think a week ago in Sundance, Utah to an adorable, blondie by the name of Andrew.

I am so happy for Jenny, I know she will make the most BEAUTIFUL bride and my mama could not be more tickled-pink to plan the big day- which is coming up in October.

Here's to Jen and Andrew and to my family's excitement! Here's to being back home and showering again! Here's to marriage and finding someone to spend the rest of forever with! Here's to weddings and all things feminine!