Saturday, March 31, 2012

We went to the Great Salt Lake, and ate some waffles.

Has anyone just gone to a city to explore it? One of favorite cities to explore has to be Salt Lake City. The architecture downtown is a mix of everything and you can literally list the time periods and style f each building you pass, it is stunning. Also, the brand new outdoor mall, City Creek just opened up, so naturally I had to go check it out and drag some peeps with me. Here is the sequence of our night in the Great valley: (ps these are not in chronological order of the night)

Here be E and C at the new City Creeeeak! Its fancy. 

There are even escalators there!

This would be right outside the best waffle place in Utah, Bruges. Obviously we though we were models.

Here is what we call "Tony Little Gazelling", just a lil'love train on the way to the trolley!

Annnnd the Trolley! I love public transportation, just sayin.

Chillen on the Trolley

I am telling you this mall is fancy!

And they even have these live models! I am serious guys, this Mall is FANCY!

Then we got thirsty, so we got some refreshments...mine tasted like chemicals...but check out the fancy cherry!

Then we arrived at Hatch Family Chocolates (you guys, its a "little people" chocolate factory!!!)

Then we head to the Capital! or Capitol? Here is probably my favorite picture of E and myself ever. Kittens for life. 

Oh did I mention we started taking fake engagements? Yeah, that happened. 

or that Graham loves me?

Also, we crashed a prom there. All dem teens were dressed a little scandy I must say. 

Must I say how awesome this view was. Top night!

Jimbo and E attempting to get married!

Wow, This is what it would look like if Jimbo Slice and I got married. 

Gramyon, it was friends at first sight. 

Then I pulled out a little JT (James Taylor) and we started to dance on the steps. 

Jimbo showed us all up.

Then I became an alien/Greek statue. Its Fine. 

"We are from SPACE!"- Gramyon

Oh the engagements, too much something...probably fun. 

This is when I put on my watermelon Lip Smackers and tried to temp Graham with my 7th grade hotness, he spurned my advances obviously.

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