Sunday, June 10, 2012

MAYBEEEEEEE we catch up on my life via PHOTO MONTAGE.

Aight all my tizzight friends, I been loser #1 in the blog-o-sphere. But I have done exciting things, I solemnly swear I am up to no good, or in other words...I took a trip! So lets look at the pics, and I will explain.

First I went to Santa Barbara to visit my G-Sauce. IT was Classy.....

Until I got bored and starting taking pictures of myself.....And then sending "LANA DEL RAY-SEXTS" to Emily... 

 Then I found these Bridals of my mom...and then i compared myself to her...NOT GOOD.

Then Lets talk about how beautiful Santa Barbara is...NOUGH SAIDDDDD.

Then I found this pic of my family as young ones...SO GREAT.  And then I came home and spent a night as a Hippie/hipster and the local Gypsy Den for an open mic night. Note the outfit and cheesy mirror pic below ;). 

Now onto, to the Long Beach Art Fair my pal Aaron and I went too. Behold the homeless man that read our future...I am apparently "A freckle princess gorgeous"...oh and Aaron and I are great friends that will get married some day...just so its clear...haha of Drunken Homeless Man, how little and how much you know about me. 

Here is Aaron as a white kid in Long Beach. 

Here am I as a white kid in Long Beach. 

Here we both are as white kids eating Chicken and Waffles in Long Beach...along with like 4 blown up pictures of Obama as decor for the eatery. 


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