Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dasss Paaaty Rock Ansssvem!

Let me sprinkle upon you my thoughts of Vienna. It was truly an on-again/off-again relationship. Sometimes I loved Austria, and parts of Vienna! But then sometimes I felt like I was in a German speaking, Las Vegas strip type of town. I guess the trick with Vienna, is to always look up, because the buildings above the shop levels are astoundingly beautiful. Also, any of the people outside of the main city stretch, are amazingly happy, kind and generous. I have some great memories from riding the trains and listening to creepy, Austrian men singing "boyfriend" in their very HEAVY German accents... Aka "swagger" turned into "Das Svwaag". And all of the gardens from palaces where awesome and fancy. But I learned a lot about Austria while I was here, mostly how to fake a really rad accent.

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